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SOLD A Rare Antique French Fleur de Lys Copper Poissonniere Jardiniere - E365



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A rare 19th century Fleur de lys patterned copper poissonniere (fish cooker), which would make a wonderful jardiniere amongst many other uses. The iron handle is also amazing. So French!! The fleur-de-lis, also spelled fleur-de-lys, is a common heraldic charge in the shape of a lily. Most notably, the fleur-de-lis is depicted on the traditional coat of arms of France that was used from the High Middle Ages until the French Revolution in 1792, and then again in brief periods in the 19th century. (from Wikipedia)

SIZE approx: 52.5 cm long x 15.5cm wide x 12cm high x 15.5cm high at ends


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