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SOLD - A Rare & Superb Antique French Rich Copper Daubiere 18th Century - E379



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This superb, rare and very rich copper 'daubière', braisiere, was used for cooking a daub - a Provencal casserole made usually with beef, but other meats & chicken would also be used. This would have been hand made and the handles are riveted and strong. This would date to the 18th century. The copper patina is just amazing on this piece. The lid fits well and snugly if eased over the base. This has to be my favourite copper piece. The daubière is a makeshift oven for the open hearth. The defining feature of a braisière is a tight-fitting lid with a raised rim that creates a platform on the top of the pan; the cook would nestle the braisière deep into the kitchen fire’s warm embers (in French, les braises) and pile more into the lid. This gentle enveloping heat would — you guessed it — braise the food over the course of hours, softening the meat and melding the flavours. There are recipes online.

SIZE approx: 29cm long x 35cm long including handles x 17.5cm wide x 14.5cm high excluding handle - 1.995kg


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